Poverty affects us all. And it's up to all of us to solve it. When you stand with United Way, you join a coalition of people united by one common goal - to help families rise out of poverty.
Your gift to United Way can help people attend a job training program, provide the wraparound services needed to finish that training program, and find a job...
Sarah Hutton
Managing Director, Career Pathways
We work on initiatives that move communities from poverty to stability and prosperity. We address immediate needs...
Amina Omar
Director, Community Resilency
One of the most profound lessons of the pandemic is that access to food is not a given for everyone today. One in four families in our region are trapped below the poverty line...
Paula Umaña
Managing Director, Community Resiliency
Poverty is like a weed that strangles the growth of all opportunity in our region. The impact of poverty isn't just f...
Kelly Woodland
Managing Director, Leadership Equity
One story that I love sharing about the impact that we have here and who we choose to fund is a story about a small workforce development program focused on youth...
Joanna Maxwell
Manager, Economic Mobility
Fighting poverty and expanding opportunity for all is so important to our region, not just economically, but because it's the right thing to do...
Mai Miksic
Managing Director, Early Learning & Education
A gift helps us all work together collectively, to target those issues and to help families, parents and communities alike rise above the issues that are causing poverty.
Savannah Washington
Manager, Early Learning and Education