
Kim Denton Transform 2022 Machine Learning

October 27, 2022

Kim Denton of Dean Dorton discusses her key takeaway from Sage Transform - Machine Learning. Specially, she talks about the GL Outlier Detection function already in Sage Intacct!

Video Transcript

Speaker: Kim Denton, Dean Dorton Allen Ford, PLLC

Please introduce yourself and tell us your most impactful takeaway from Sage Transform 2022.

Kim Denton: Hi, I'm Kim Denton, the Customer Success Manager at Dean Norton. A key takeaway for me from the Sage Intacct conference was that a lot of our customers aren't using some of the machine learning that's already available in the system. I would love to help get some of you set up on that. There's something called the GL Outlier Detection and it's available in your instance with your subscription right now. Once it's turned on, it gathers data for about a month and then it looks at transactions that are being submitted for approval in the GL that fall outside of the norm. It flags those and when you look at those, you can either correct those, accept those, or send them back to the submitter, to take another look at it. It's available right now in your subscription and with some configuration we can get that turned on for you and you can start using some of this machine learning that Sage Intacct is including in your instance now. I would love for you to reach out to me if you want more information. I'd be happy to help you get that setup, but it's a GL Outlier Detection. It involves machine learning and is available to you right now within your Sage Intacct instance. Thanks and let me know if I can help you!

Produced with Vocal Video