
Jill Valerius for School of Applied Functional Medicine

December 17, 2024

Video Transcript

Speaker: Jill Valerius

Jill Valerius: Hi. I'm Jill Valerius. I am a board certified physician in family medicine as well as integrative medicine. I have a certification in Functional Medicine through the Institute for Functional Medicine. I have a small membership based practice in Palmer, Alaska. And I look forward to sharing with you my version of functional and integrative family medicine and sharing the benefits of membership based practice for my patients and myself.

Jill Valerius: I have a small membership based practice that is a hybrid model and I practice full scope family medicine from a functional and integrative lens. So I think that will be of interest to many of you pursuing functional medicine at this point. And just really important for you to see what's possible and help you to dream up what you think will work best for you.

Jill Valerius: I am thrilled to be partnering with the School of Applied Functional Medicine to activate good medicine around the world.

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