
Why I Love Renti (Testimonial example)

July 14, 2022

Operation Rooftop. It's time we started to tell our story.

Video Transcript

Speaker: Will Alexander, CEO , PSL

Who are you, where do you work and what is your role?

Will Alexander: Hi, my name's Will alexander whether I work I work at rent e and what is my role? I am the Chief Executive Officer.

How long have you used Renti and why do you love it?

Will Alexander: I was the first one to use rent. Uh That was about four years ago. I did it rolled it out across property brokers when I was the general manager there. Why did I do it? Because why do I love rent? E rent E makes renting enjoyable. That's why I love renting.

Would you rather go on a date with your favourite actor or use Renti?

Will Alexander: Would I go rather go on a date with my favorite actor or use rent? E? Are you kidding me? Rent E Any day of the week? Any hour of the day for sure, rent E actors, whatever.

Produced with Vocal Video