
Forrest Guthrie for Mobile App Feedback

February 14, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Forrest Guthrie

How did you learn about the Lendio mobile app?

Forrest Guthrie: Hello, My name is Forrest Guthrie. I reached out and found the app, the google. And I was looking for capital on a business that I am getting ready to start and so that has been very useful and easy to use.

How would you use this app for your business?

Forrest Guthrie: Yes, I'll use this app to allow me to better my business decisions on keeping track of my spending while also having access to credit cards and working capital to expand my business in the future.

What would make you use this app again?

Forrest Guthrie: The most basic things of an app need to be one reliable to ease of use and three being able to constantly update and make sure that you're giving out updates to the users. It's very um painful sometimes to be a business owner and have an app and it be very glitchy or very slow.

Produced with Vocal Video