
Rui for Resident Greatness Program Testimonials

August 02, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Rui

In what ways has the resident greatness program and/or coaching from Dan supported you? This can be personally, professionally, or both.

Rui: So one big thing I really benefited from dance coaching is nutrition. It's something I often tend to ignore and I go into this default mode, especially when I'm busy of not eating, not drinking and it wasn't good for my body. And so it was really helpful to have then um, to have that discussion with dan and have him remind me that these things are important and help me develop strategies and also just general awareness of um, of what I'm eating, what, what I'm drinking and um and do that throughout the day. So I definitely noticed that I have better habits with those things now and I have better energy level with that as well. Uh and another thing is exercise. I recently got into climbing and already had a climate injury, so it was great to be able to talk to dan about it and get his advice on injury prevention and how to do warm ups probably and things like that. So overall these things definitely made an impact on my um, on my wellness.

What sort of impact do you feel the resident greatness program has on the team and department work culture?

Rui: um yeah in terms of um work culture, I think it was really helpful to have them bring up topics that kind of everybody is like thinking about them but we never discussed or um formalized way out in the open, especially on important topics such as like mentorship communication, having compassion not just for our patients but also within ourselves. So those are all really important things but I feel and we you know talk to each other about them. But it was really um it was really good to have him facilitate group discussion like that where we um where we share what we think and we share our experiences and interpret interpretations on on on events. So just having that environment and that uh that that kind of discussion environment and to do that you know guided an open way. Um I think it was definitely definitely helpful and and um and was useful for team building.

Why should the department continue implementing the resident greatness program?

Rui: I think one of the biggest strength of dance program that is that is he's able to tailor to everybody's needs. He has personal sessions with each one of us and, you know, he can be an extra pair of years to listen to what we have to say. He can be the person that's encouraging us to do something that we're that uh, that we need motivations on. And um, he's been really great with giving me advice on diet, diet and exercise. So I think that's really helpful and everyone can have something to gain from um from then, and that's um, that and this really unique flexibility that he has um, on this individualized basis is a major reasons that I think we should continue to work with them.

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