
Yesenia hernandez for Family Strengthening Network - Staff Questions

May 03, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Yesenia hernandez, home visitor, Wellnest

What's one way your home visiting program helps families?

Yesenia hernandez: One way that our home visiting program supports our families is by providing them the knowledge and um, gaining that confidence as a parent, Many of our families come into our services without much child development of knowledge. So once they start learning and building on those skills, they're able to build on their confidence as a parent.

Why should families sign up for Welcome Baby during pregnancy?

Yesenia hernandez: Families should apply for welcome baby during pregnancy in order to obtain that support and guidance um that they might not have during their pregnancy, so being able to have someone to connect with and provide them with resources and information in regards to their pregnancy, um goes a long way.

What is one thing you always tell your clients about pregnancy, childbirth, or parenting?

Yesenia hernandez: One thing I always share with my parents um in regards to parenting is to enjoy the process, enjoy the journey. Every family, every parent, every child is different. Um So once you know you do better and so that's something that I've always shared with them. You know, if you don't know something, let's learn about it, let's um gained some knowledge in regards to a specific topic. You know, parenting is not easy um but it's definitely rewarding.

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