
Vanessa Gonzales- Family Strengthening Network - Staff Questions

March 18, 2022

Video Transcript

What's one way your home visiting program helps families?

Hello. My name is Vanessa Gonzales. I'm the leeds family support specialist at Antelope Valley Partners for Health. The home visitation program Healthy Families of America. What's one way your home visit program helps families? So I feel like for our program we see clients pre or post natal. And so I feel like that little pocket that window of us mommies just having their babies. It's a really it's a time where that you know moms are you know sometimes they get depressed and sometimes they don't have a good support system and sometimes they just don't feel like themselves. And I feel like because of the home visitation program we offer those that support that they that little extra that they might need. Um Some some mommies don't have that support. So I feel like it's really necessary to um to help them um in that time of their lives even if you do have the support, it's I mean more information is better than no information and things are constantly changing. You know whether or not you know do you do you co sleep? Do you not co sleep? So I feel like um the home visitation program is really really important, especially post natal. It um as a as a support two mommies and to the entire family in general. Why should families sign up for a welcome baby during pregnancy? I'm gonna skip that question because I work for H. F. A. Um What is one thing that you always tell your clients? So if I think about it. What's the one thing I always tell my clients um to give themselves grace and to give other mommies grace. Because this is the hardest time in people's lives and people don't realize how hard it's going to be. So not not to be judgmental to other mommies and and be kind to yourself, not all Children developed at the same time. So, And I always try to make it a point to to let mommies know that sometimes babies are going to start walking at eight months versus some babies will walk at 15 months and it's okay and say one family has a child with speech delay. That is not, that is not a reflection on them. You know, just kind of like um kind of like just give them those positive messages so that they don't, you know, beat themselves up or you know, start going into a depression even more or anything like that. But just overall just give themselves grace and give other mommies Grace. I think that's the number one thing I like to tell my clients at least universally and thank you. Um, I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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