
Austin Blanco for Transform 2022 Testimonials

November 03, 2022

Video Transcript

Speaker: Austin Blanco, Dean Dorton

Please introduce yourself and tell us your most impactful takeaway from Sage Transform 2022.

Austin Blanco: Hello, my name is Austin Blanco. I'm the opportunity development resource here in Dean Dorton and I'm just here to tell you about some of my takeaways from the Sage Transform 2022. So first and foremost I think the coolest thing we were able to do is interact with our current customers um just seeing the different perspectives and culture from everyone was there not only do we have people from all over the country, but we are able to interact with a few that were international, which is really, really cool how they use Sage and just the different aspects of that. The second biggest thing for me was the sessions. It's always cool to be able to learn different things how Sage works or how different companies are using it and it's, it's all from experts, people use it every single day and I think that's something that's to take away from it and you can really use it in your day to day, you know workflow or different things with that. And lastly my favorite thing is just the interaction from our team, you know, working remote, you don't always get that one on one ability, you know the screen Webex, everything like that's great. But being able to see someone talk with them, you know, just walk with somebody is a really, really cool experience. So I really, really do, you know highly recommend Sage Transform to anyone in the future so if you have a chance to take advantage of it and go for it, thank you.

Produced with Vocal Video