
Angela Lopez for Employee Testimonials for the Website

May 24, 2022

Full employee testimonial

Video Transcript

Speakers: Angela . Angela Lopez, Clinical Director

What has been your career path with David Lawrence Centers?

Angela : Hello. My name is Angela Lopez, I'm the licensed clinical social worker here at David Lawrence Centers. I've been fortunate to be at David

Angela Lopez: I've been here for 12 years and that's because of the people here, because of the mission, because of the opportunities for growth that this organization provides because of the amount I've been able to, the amount I've been able to learn, the skills I've been able to develop, thanks to the staff, but also the clients as well that walk in through the doors and teach me so many things.

What stands out to you about the culture at David Lawrence Centers for Behavioral Health?

Angela Lopez: What stands out to me about the culture at David Lawrence Centers is that I'm really impressed by the fact that I'm regularly feeling supported, my opinion matters at David Lawrence Centers and really evidence of that is that whenever I bring up suggestions or have feedback or any kind of comments, I really do feel heard. and in the end I really feel valued as a result of that.

Please give an example of how you see DLC's mission of providing life-saving and life-changing care in action?

Angela Lopez: So I've been able to see firsthand how individuals are coming in through these vulnerable positions and points in their life, but yet coming out warriors, they're coming out with hope. And that's the most rewarding thing, is being able to see and work for an organization whose mission is being able to provide life-changing wellness for all individuals from prevention all the way through treatment.

What makes DLC a great place to work?

Angela Lopez: for me, what makes David Lawrence Center a great place to work is the people, the people in my program, my department and everyone that I've come across have been amazing. They've been mentors, they've been supportive, they've taught me so much and I've

What is your favorite part about working at David Lawrence Centers?

Angela : My favorite part of my position at DLC is to be able to see individuals who are coming in and a vulnerable time of their life and being able to see life changing wellness within them. Being able to actually visualize and see that change is extremely rewarding. Another favorite part of my position is also being able to work as a team and a very close team and a team that I can see appreciates each other. and also is a team that is close enough, that we bounce ideas off each other and we move and propel each other forward.

Produced with Vocal Video