
Molly for Customer Testimonial Videos

February 09, 2023

Video Transcript

Speaker: Molly

Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about your role.

Molly: Hi I Am molly and I help with product marketing here at.

What do you love about CoderPad?

Molly: I love that at coder pad, we let the skills say it all, and we rely on skills and not resumes to give everyone a fair shot.

How does CoderPad help you hire more effectively?

Molly: I love that With coder pad me and my team. We don't waste time interviewing the wrong candidates. We know that because our recruiters use coder pad, that we only get the best um candidates that can do the job and have the technical aptitude for the job. And then the live interview, we got to make sure that they're the right fit for the team.

Produced with Vocal Video