American Lighting Association (Kiosk Mode)
My mission in life now is to find people that are traveling alone to the conference and make friends with them.
Michelle Plumley
Lee Lighting
I always knew who my competition was, but convention allowed me to know who they actually were...we're now friendly competitors.
Gabriel Trinidad
Lighting Inc.
I'm Karen Engle and I'm with old Dominion lighting associates out of Richmond Virginia, and I have attended many of t...
My name is chad Tiber. I'm from Dallas texas. I'm with timber and company. We are a manufacturer's representative age...
I think of everyone who comes to ALA as a family member and it's a great opportunity to see them all again.
I've been going to conference for about 12 years straight.
Hi, I'm Wendy jones. I'm with L. A. I am Vice president of Finance. I've been with the L. A. for 25 years and year af...
I love getting re-acquainted with everybody that we work with all year long.
You'll love it. You gotta go.
My name is Don Howard. I am the lighting specialist for southeast and southwest florida. For Ferguson enterprise. I l...
We're going are you That's true.