It was just very nice and helpful to know that there's people who are willing to help me and very quickly, with a very fast response, without wasting time.
How I benefited from being a stock market college student. I'll be honest, I'll be very honest with you. Uh, I, I thought that I'd be alone in it but I'm very glad that there's people out there to help because I'll be honest, I'm an amateur.
It's good because number one, it's local. It's not offshore. If I have a problem I can talk to you at any given time. I've tried something overseas. I lost my money, I think.
I benefited from learning how to trade and learning how the stock market works and also making a lot of money while I was at it. So it really is a great way to, to make money to actually learn more about the financial world market and trade because you then have to also watch the news, be more aware of what's happening in the financial world.