Now that I'm with Georgia Power,  it's the best job I've had, the best benefits ... the best thing that's happened to me.
Johnny Barrientos
Apprentice Lineman
The thing I love most about the program was feeling like I was part of the team, being able to build that team spirit.
Kelli Smalls
Service Director
Construction Ready has given me a new, profound purpose in life. I really appreciate Construction Ready.
Dewaski King
Material Handler
My job with Metro Power was very enlightening. I learned you can't work by yourself; you need to depend on others.
Jadah King
Electrical Apprentice
What I love most is Construction Ready took the time to make sure I was certified, qualified and ready to work in the field.
Michael Dowdell
Plumbing Apprentice
My life after Construction Ready is awesome. I have an amazing job. I learn something new every single day.
Harrison Puckett
My life has most definitely changed for the better. I am no longer lost in my career choice and I am happy with what I'm doing.
Orlando Ivory
I thank Construction Ready for giving me the opportunity to use my skills and my knowledge to take me farther in life.
Toni Byrd
Business Owner